11 January 2017
Last January 11, the launch meeting of the Ships4Blue R&D project was held at the headquarters of the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics, whose central axis is the technical-economic study of a new technology aimed at energy generation offshore The consortium is made up of two private companies, Bound 4 Blue, S.L, IDiCal (R&D division of Calvo Construcciones y Montajes, S.L.)
The “Ships4Blue” technology comes from the patented concept developed by bound4blue and will allow the use of the available offshore wind resources through a floating and mobile infrastructure: an energy generator vessel. Given the highly innovative nature of the project and its high potential as a generator of industrial activity in Cantabria, “Ships4Blue” has the economic support of the Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria (SODERCAN) through the I+C=+C 2016 Program to support R&.

We cannot envision a future in which the dependence on fossil fuels and the emissions of CO2 and other polluting gases are still an issue. That is why we have rolled up our sleeves and have started working on solutions that will drive that dependence out of ship transport and, in the future, of the production of hydrogen and oxygen. For years, we have worked on the design of a wingsail technology applicable to the maritime transport in order to reduce the fuel consumption and the emissions level.
Also, we are working on an alternative application of the wingsail technology to design in the future a boat propelled by these wingsails, capable of producing hydrogen and oxygen by means of the electrolysis of seawater in a clean and cost-efficient way.
Maximize the use of wind for cargo ships.Being able to produce low-cost, green hydrogen using our wingsail technology.Our team combines senior expertise with energetic young professionals.
At bound4blue, we believe that our global partner network of technology leaders is fundamental to the success of our endeavors. Our partner network includes the elite of the industry. The extensive experience of our partners is fundamental for us to deliver the most reliable products.