08 November 2019
Cristina Aleixendri Muñoz, COO and co-founder of b4b and José Miguel Bermúdez, CEO and co-founder of b4b, attended the European Maritime Day, an event promoted by the European Union and celebrated in Lisbon in which Cristina presented the company and the European project GREENing The BLUE.

The 2019 European Maritime Day was an event where maritime stakeholders from all over Europe gathered to explore blue entrepreneurship, research, innovation and investment to boost sustainable technologies and emerging value chains within the ocean economy. In a thematic session “Building bridges to a market: how to make the most of EU funding”, the participants and speakers, including Cristina Aleixendri from bound4blue, shared their experience with EU funding.

Moreover, on the occasion of the European Maritime Day, the European Commission launched the second edition of its Blue Economy Report.
If you want to know more details about the event, click on the following link: More information.