The most cost effective
wind propulsion technology
Your challenge may be complex, but the solution doesn’t have to be.
At bound4blue, we have developed a modernized suction sail that turns wind into direct propulsion for your ship.
Our solution enables ship owners and operators to reduce their environmental footprint while cutting fuel costs. Because “good for the planet” can also mean “good for your business”.
Merchant vessels rely on the thrust delivered by their main engine for propulsion. These engines burn enormous amounts of fuel, resulting in large fuel-bills and pollutant emissions levels.
Wind-Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS) take advantage of the available wind to generate clean forward thrust, reducing the engine thrust required and consequently cutting down fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.
If WAPS are operated effectively to maximise forwards thrust under any sailing condition, double-digit percentages in fuel and emissions savings can be achieved.
Suction sail
operational principle
The eSAIL® produces six to seven times more lift than a conventional sail or, in other words, it can deliver the same propelling force with six to seven times less surface. All this with minimal power consumption and no mechanical complexity (no inertial loads, vibrations, constant movement, etc.) ensuring simple, safe and reliable operations.
When installed on a vessel, the eSAIL® technology is designed so that its high-lift ability maximises fuel savings in a cost-efficient way.

Fuel consumption reduced
up to 40%
< 5 years
Autonomous operation
No crew needed
The eSAIL® is equipped with an autonomous control system that ensures optimal technology operation with zero crew workload or training. Based on the input data received from several sensors, the control system operates the three main trim actions – body rotation, flap position and suction – ensuring maximum fuel savings are achieved while guaranteeing safety.
A touchscreen is located on the bridge to monitor the status and operational parameters of the eSAIL®, also allowing to switch between different operation modes.
If foldability is required, bound4blue also offers a tilting system to move the eSAIL® from a vertical to a horizontal position. This type of system is only intended to lower the air draft of the vessel in specific situations, as when sailing under bridges or during cargo loading and unloading operations.