05 November 2019
Dina Meriny, Business and Financial Officer at bound4blue, attended Ecomondo, “The Green Technology Expo” in Rimini, Italy.
Ecomondo is the reference event for technological and industrial innovation, an international event that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single space, from the recycling and reuse of materials to the development of sustainable energy.

This exhibition aims to support the development of companies in order to become world leaders in innovation through the promotion of the sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. In addition, it is a good opportunity to network with other companies that fit into the circular economy model to develop synergies and possible future collaborations.
During 2019, bound4blue participated in this event to present the project “GREENing the BLUE”, co-funded by the European Union to install a full-scale rigid wingsail system on a merchant vessel, the Naumon, which will sail through Europe and around the world following the route of Fernando Magallanes in honor of the celebration of the 500 years since his world trip.
Thanks to the aerodynamic design, this system enables a drastic reduction of fuel consumption and polluting emissions from the maritime transport sector, which is critical for an industry looking for more efficient propulsion systems. Ecomondo was a wood opportunity to give visibility to this initiative internationally as well as get to know other sustainable projects that are committed, like ours, to a cleaner future.
If you want to know more details about the event, click on the following link: More information.