

Dina Meriny


10 December 2019

Oriol Sánchez García, head of engineering at bound4blue, attended COP25 in Madrid to present bound4blue’s project.

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme body of the United Nations Macro Convention on Climate Change and therefore, bound4blue could not miss it, as our vision is to power the world with wind to contribute to a cleaner future.

In its twenty-fifth edition, the 197 parties that make up the treaty aimed to implement agreements to combat climate change through the establishment of specific obligations.

The question raised by COP25’s organization to participants, both to individuals and businesses, was “Through concrete actions or examples how do you/your organization contribute to carbon neutral and climate resilient planet by 2050?

In the case of bound4blue, the answer is very clear since our system, which targets most of the worldwide fleet, is a clear solution to alleviate the harmful effects of shipping in terms of pollution and carbon emissions.

If you want to know more details about the event, click on the following link: More information.